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  •   The firstAir team is pleased to announce this year's winner of the firstAir raffle! The firstAir brand presented its complete product portfolio of compressors, refrigerant dryers and compressed air filters again this year at the Hannover Messe 2019 stand. A special highlight this year was the introduction of the series with outputs fr···
  •   firstAir proudly introduces the extension of the product portfolio with compressors up to 90 kW! The product range now includes 8 new units: FAS 45 / 55 / 75 and 90 as fix speed versions and alike also available as FAS SC speed controlled alternative.  The design of the units is based on the same successful principle as before – a solid a···
  •   In March our firstAir service and sales training for our international partners took place. 12 participants from different countries joined the training at our site in Köngen.  The next training in English will take place on 23rd October 2018 and in German on 16th October 2018.
  •   The firstAir team proudly presents the prizewinner of our lottery at the Hanover fair 2017!  From 24. – April firstAir was represented with its own booth at the Hanover fair/ ComVac and introduced its new products and services. One particular highlight was the prize lottery for one firstAir compressor. A colourful painted “harlequin···
  • Small air compressor in the middle of the oil consumption or easy to run oil, many appear in the maintenance of hundreds of hours, 1000 hours later. Why is that? The operating temperature of the machine in which this phenomenon occurs is usually not high, the oil separator has more water, and the oil separator filter paper is easy to be damaged if ···
  •   1、 In the same working environment comparison, through the oil mirror observation, to see whether the air compressor oil level has a significant drop. For example, if the oil level changes in front and back time under 7 bar load pressure, or if the oil level is different after 10 minutes of shutdown.  2、 Check whether the installation of ai···
  •   With the development of economy, the competition of all walks of life is more and more big, and they are facing the danger of being eliminated at any time. So in this case, if the enterprise should plan the future road correctly, if it can't be squeezed down the narrow road? Recommended reading: maintenance and troubleshooting of air ···
  •   The development of air compressor has a history of many years, but there are still many friends who don't know where the future air compressor opportunities will go. Here is a brief introduction about the development direction of air compressor.  Commonly used gas compressors are centrifugal gas compressors and reciprocating gas compr···

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