•   Question 1: where is the check valve of screw air compressor? What is the role in the system? ★ answer: according to the function alone, there should be multiple check valves on the machine. The minimum pressure valve between the exhaust pipe of the main engine and the oil separator has a check function. The former is to prevent the oil f···
  •   In daily life, especially in some industrial production process, compressed air becomes more and more important. Compressed air is made of electric air compressor. Based on the important role of compressed air, if the displacement of air compressor, especially some multistage and high-pressure compressors is insufficient, the storage of c···
  •   1、 Regular maintenance and repair of main components: in order to ensure the normal and reliable operation of the air compressor and the service life of the unit, a detailed maintenance plan shall be formulated, and regular operation, maintenance and inspection shall be carried out to keep the air compressor unit clean, oil-free and dirt ···
  •   The change of air compressor hollow compressor oil (lubricating oil) temperature will have a certain impact on the lubricating effect of air compressor oil (lubricating oil), thus affecting the normal operation and service life of the equipment. There are 7 5L-40 / 8 air compressors produced by Wuxi compressor factory in the air compresso···
  •   1. A wide and well lit place shall be selected to facilitate the space and lighting required for the operation, maintenance and repair of the air compressor.  2. The ground in the air compressor room must be flat and hard (general cement floor is OK), and attention should be paid to keep the ground clean and free of sundries, especially i···
  •   The function and method of cleaning air compressor head  Effect:  The air compressor has been used for a long time, and there will be oil scale, carbon deposit, sediment and rust inside. In addition, the air compressor with different brands of engine oil will also have black rubber similar to asphalt. Therefore, it is necessary to use clean···
  •   The operating personnel of piston air compressor must pay attention to the operation of the machine, carry out patrol inspection frequently, find out the fault and remove it in time. And make necessary adjustment according to the instrument indication and working requirements. In general, pay attention to the following problems:  I. lubri···
  •   1. Environment and ventilation requirements  1) Air compressor to produce a lot of heat, for this reason, screw air compressor must be placed in a room with enough ventilation.  2) To facilitate maintenance, a space of 0.9m is required around the air compressor, and a clear space of 1.1m must be reserved in front of the control panel. It is···

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